耿莲凤(1944年-),出生于河北阜平,中国女高音歌唱家、北京军区战友歌舞团演员。 其代表作品有《祖国一片新面貌》《年轻的朋友来相会》等。
Born in Fuping, Hebei Province, Chinese soprano singer Geng Lianfeng
Geng Lianfeng (1944 -), born in Fuping, Hebei Province, is a Chinese soprano singer and performer of the Beijing Military Command Comrade-in-Arms Song and Dance Troupe. His representative works include "a new look of the motherland", "young friends to meet", etc.
In 1960, at the age of 15, Geng Lianfeng joined the Comrade-in-Arms Song and Dance Troupe and engaged in literature and art work. In nearly 40 years of artistic practice, he has learned from many aspects, learned from others' strengths and explored hard, and gradually formed his own unique artistic style.
Geng Lianfeng has sung for the Long March three songs "Zunyi Conference shine" lead singer. And with Zhang Zhenfu sang "my country a new look," the army is my home, "chairman MAO sent to" meet "aobao" duet songs such as "jiujiu sunny days, in China has a great influence at that time, two people by the Chinese media comments as" the best of the domestic duet partner ", the song "a pair of China".
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